Updated on 2021.12.26

災害調査記録 Report of disasters in Japan




We wish to express deepest condolences and sympathy for disaster caused by heavy rain in the west Japan.

In order to improve disaster prevention technology research, this record will disclose some disaster information.



[豪雨災害] Floods.

2020 令和27月豪雨橋流失調査(7.23,24,25現地調査) The historical recording flood in Kuma River in 2020.7.3


2018 西日本豪雨被災調査(7/7,7/11,7/14,7/21)    The flood in the west Japan in 2018.



2017 九州北部豪雨                                   The flood in the north Kyusyu in 2017.


2016 北海道台風10号による被災            The flood in Hokkaido in 2016.

2016 鹿児島県鹿屋市橋被災                     The flood in Kanoya in 2016.


2014 兵庫県丹波市 橋被災                      The flood in Tanba city in 2014.


2012 九州北部豪雨                                  The flood in the north Kyusyu in 2012.


2011 紀伊半島豪雨                                   The flood in the Kiihantou in 2011.

2011 新潟・福島豪雨                               The flood in the Nigata-Fukushima in 2011.


2010 庄原豪雨                                         The flood in Syoubara in 2010.


2009 佐用豪雨                                         The flood in Sayo in 2009.



[地震被害] Damages of earthquakes


2016 熊本地震被災調査[工事中]


2011 東日本大震災[工事中]


2005 中越地震[工事中]


1995 阪神大震災[工事中]



なお、写真の著作権は保持します。一部欠損はご了承ください。All materials are recognised the copyright.



The proceedings of research presentation in Chugoku of JSCE 2018.5.26 in the following;

I-20 シザーズ橋の動力学モデルの検討 広島大学

I-21 マイクロトラスによる構造最適化問題 広島大学

I-22 シザーズ構造橋の二段モデル化の検討 広島大学




